
A joint doctoral assessment process enables a PhD candidate to prepare one doctoral dissertation under dual supervision (supervisor at the University of Warsaw and co-supervisor at the foreign partner institution) and leads to the conferment of a degree of “doktor” at the UW and an equal degree at the foreign partner institution after a defence of the thesis conducted in one of the institutions.
A joint doctoral assessment process can be established through an agreement on the system of joint supervision – co-tutelage (co-tutelle) in PhD programme of a PhD candidate between the University of Warsaw and the partner institution.
The agreement can be signed after a PhD candidate is admitted to PhD studies at both institutions.
A joint doctoral assessment process under a co-tutellage agreement provides international cooperation that exists in joint acceptance of a doctoral thesis and its admission to an open defence that takes place before the Joint Doctoral Commission appointed by both institutions.
The University of Warsaw does not provide any scholarships connected with a joint doctoral assessment process.
University of Warsaw has created drafts of co-tutelage agreements in Polish and English language. The particulars are subject to negotiations between the University of Warsaw and a partner institution. A PhD candidate actively participates in the process of establishing a co-tutelage agreement at both institutions.